The P-shot, short for priapus shot, helps to rejuvenate and enlarge the penis using platelet-derived growth factors in your own blood. The priapus shot stimulates tissue growth and new blood vessels to increase blood flow, resulting in an overall larger, stronger, and healthier organ.
Studies have shown that the P-Shot also increases pleasure and sensation in the penis. It can be used as a treatment for men that suffer erectile dysfunction.
The P-Shot treatment provides immediate results that can last up to 2 years. Many recipients choose to return for touch up treatments when they notice results wearing off.
Meanwhile, the practitioner will apply a numbing cream to the treatment areas as well as a local anesthetic as needed. 4-5 injections of the patients’ own PRP are administered in several minutes.
Recipients of the P-Shot are then given a penis pump to increase blood flow and ensure the PRP is working.
Note: This procedure can be combined with penis filler (3 weeks apart)
+$2450 (5cc)